Wood County, Winnsboro, Texas
Dear SGCA Friends & Family,
Our custom cookbook featuring favorite family recipes from our SGCA families is still under construction. These cookbooks will be professionally published by Morris Press Cookbooks and are sure to be a treasured keepsake for us all. Money earned will be used for church building improvements.
This has been an ongoing project so, if you missed the first opportunity, you may still send your 3-5 recipes to me in either of the following two ways:
(1) Use the Recipe Collection Form provided in the link below and submit hardcopies of your hand-written recipes to my address below. Please write clearly and legibly in ink, with one recipe per form, following the Recipe Writing Tips:
c/o Sherry Finney
P.O. Box 861
Winnsboro, TX 75494
(2) If you would prefer to email me your recipes, use the following email address: sgca1855@gmail.com
Please use the following Basic Recipe Writing Tips as you are submitting your recipes:
Use standard abbreviations.
Only enter one ingredient per ingredient line.
List ingredients in order of use in the ingredients list and directions.
Include container sizes, e.g., (16-oz.) pkg., (24-oz.) can.
Write directions in paragraph form, not in steps.
Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.” DO NOT use statements like, “Combine first three ingredients.”
Include temperatures and cooking, chilling, baking, and/or freezing times.
History about the recipe may or may not be allowed, but please include that information anyway, if you can, until I can delve deeper into this recipe compilation process.
I would love to be able to include some old photos of SG church or cemetery events on the divider pages, if possible, as well as a few pics of treasured family recipes on, for example, old envelopes. So, be on the lookout for those things as well. What a neat touch to include some of our history in this cookbook!
We anticipate a great demand for our cookbooks because we all know we have some outstanding cooks in our group. We are looking at the first order to be 300 copies. If we order a soft cover, publication costs will be approximately $2.85 per cookbook of 150 recipes, for a total of $855.00. Our cookbook can be sold for $20.00, which would give us about $5,145 profit after publication costs. These are approximations as there are some minimal extra charges for photos and extras in the cookbook.
To reserve your copies now, email Sherry Finney at sgca1855@gmail.com or notify her at 903-438-7455 with the number of cookbooks you will be purchasing. Not only will you want one for yourself, don’t forget good cookbooks make wonderful Christmas, wedding, birthday, and teacher gifts.
Please promote our cookbook among your friends and family, at your business or workplace, and in your neighborhood and community. With all of us combined, I know we touch enough folks that might even require us to make a second order! It will take everyone working together to ensure a BIG SUCCESS for our Shady Grove cookbook!!